The Norwegian talent Saad Elmi won the rapid online tournament Zero Requiem 2023 Invitational. It was alot of fun and the players were a great mix of young talents that are engaged in our programs and adult supporters from the whole world.
Top 3 was
1 Saad Elmi Norway 2. Robert Mcligeyo Kenya 3. Marek Religa Sweden

Perpetual Ogbiyoyo from Nigeria did well with a top 10 finish

For some of the players this was their first chess tournament ever. One of them was the founder of Zero Requiem Ruben Harris who did very well and won 3 games and ended up as number 22 out of 40 players. Ruben was very excited and he is already training for the next tournament Zero Requiem April Invitational that will be held on April 28th, 10.30am – 1.30pm US Eastern Time. Contact us on info@businessmeetschessandkids.com if you are interested to participate or support the kids.

We would like to thank all participants and our prize sponsors chess.com Chessable and Jennifer Shahade who sponsored with her new book Play like a Champion
See you all on April 28th!